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Raja Petra's deteriorating health (ALIRAN)

Aliran is seriously concerned over the deteriorating health of Raja
Petra. According to his wife, Marina Lee Abdullah, "he does not look
good and healthy at all".

The deteriorating health of Raja Petra is totally due to the callous
treatment of him by the police, who have completely ignored the
universal norms that a detainee is entitled to.

"He has been denied sleep and is being put through mental torture,"
said his wife after visiting Raja Petra.

By her account, Raja Petra had been harassed psychologically in police
custody. This stress under extreme custodial conditions has caused
Raja Petra to lose weight and he is feeling weak. This is a cause for
concern as he is suffering from a heart ailment.

"He spoke very softly and looked weak, pale and tremendously thin,"
Marina told reporters. She attributed this to the fact that Raja Petra
was suffering from a lack of sleep because the previous night, he was
harassed hourly by officers who recorded statements from him.

Marina has every right to be worried over his health because "her
husband suffers from heart artery blockages and is on medication". At
this point in time nobody can confirm if Raja Petra is taking his
medication or whether he is being monitored by a doctor.

What he is being subjected to is absolutely unacceptable and uncalled
for. What makes it worse is the fact that Raja Petra's human rights
are being violated with impunity by a country that sits as a member on
the United Nations Human Rights Council that is tasked with protecting
and preserving human rights. It makes a mockery of our position on
this Council and renders it untenable.

Raja Petra has been arbitrarily arrested, subjected to cruel, inhuman
and degrading treatment, and denied a fair and public hearing by an
independent and impartial tribunal in determining his guilt. He has
not been recognised as a person before the law and has been denied his
right to freedom of thought and conscience. All these are serious
violations which must be thoroughly condemned. This cannot be condoned
especially when the perpetrator is a member of the Human Rights Council.

Aliran calls upon the Malaysian government to stop its violation of
the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, to release Raja Petra
immediately and to live up to its obligations as a member of the
United Nations.

Malaysians no longer believe that the Barisan Nasional has acted
honourably, objectively and sincerely in the national interests of
Malaysia in detaining Raja Petra, Teresa Kok, the Hindraf Five and all
the others under the unjust ISA.

P Ramakrishnan
18 September

The Malaysian government is guilty of violating Article 5 of the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights which states: "No one shall be
subjected to torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or

The Malaysian government is guilty of violating Article 6 of the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights which states: "Everyone has the
right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law."

The Malaysian government is guilty of violating Article 9 of the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights which states: "No one shall be
subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile."

The Malaysian government is guilty of violating Article 10 of the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights which states: "Everyone is
entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an
independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights
and obligations and of any criminal charge against him."

The Malaysian government is guilty of violating Article 18 of the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights which states: "Everyone has the
right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right
includes freedom to change to change his religion or belief, and
freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or
private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice,
worship and observance."

Aliran Kesedaran Negara (ALIRAN)
(National Consciousness Movement)
103 Medan Penaga, 11600 Penang, Malaysia
Tel: +60 (0)4 658 5251
Fax: +60 (0)4 658 5197

2 条评论:

匿名 说...


最近几个星期, 我都参与了在 AMCORP MALL 前草场举行的“反内安恶法与声援柏特拉的聚会”。

我发现一个很奇怪的现象:大多数参与的人,都是从英语为媒介的部落格那里获知消息。 而且,大多数的人,都是在英语部落格“混”的人。。。

我到过很多中文部落格和论坛,发现大家对废除内安法令有很强烈的意愿,也都很同情在内安法令下被扣留的无辜人士和家人。。。 却很少人愿意“挺身而出”,参与这类的活动。似乎,大家都不知道这类活动的存在。

当我发函邀请一些网友时,很多人都说“害怕被ISA”,“害怕警察”。。。这些回应,让我觉得很失望。 大家嘴里说反对,其实没有人敢站出来。

其实,这个活动已经进入了第三个星期。。。人数一个星期,比一个星期多。 民联议员们也纷纷到场支持。 YB 刘永山说,这个活动,是民联政府批准的。他保证, 绝对不会有警察干预。 事实也证明,这三个星期以来,警察连影子也不见。


RPK 为人们做了那么多,我们只是每个星期到场点点蜡烛而已。相比之下,是微不足道的。不过,对于 RPK 和兴权会的家人来说,我们的到场,就是给他们最大的精神支持。好让他们可以继续为在KAMUNTING里面的家人努力。而玛丽娜每一次到场,都非常感动,说我们大家对他们而言,就像是一家人一样。当她把我们每一次聚会的详情告知 RPK 时,他都感动不已。

时间:每个星期日,晚上8点 (历时大概1小时左右)
现场也有售卖T-SHIRT (RM 20)。

另外,11月7日是拉惹柏特拉申请人身保护令的判决日,请大家(如果有时间),到沙亚南法庭支持。如果法官批准,就代表 RPK 可以离开KAMUNTING 那个鬼地方,等待公平的审讯。


p/s: by the way... regarding RPK's health, I heard fr Marina that he is not eating those food in Kamunting and with Doctor's letter/permission, he is allowed to eat supplement.

Unknown 说...
